
The Broughton Trust has been built on learning. Success in learning is the route to self-confidence, aspiration, achievement and financial independence. Although Salford is now recognised as a dynamic, forward looking city, many residents still suffer from a legacy of long-term unemployment, ill-health, and low aspiration associated with the city’s years of decline.

The Trust works with hundreds of adult learners each year who are setting out on the pathway to achievement and success. Throughout their time with The Trust and whatever courses they follow, they are supported by our trained guidance staff who are there to ensure that they succeed and progress into further training or employment. The city is full of people who have succeeded beyond their initial expectation.

Some of them work for the Trust and similar organisations. They fully understand the difficulties and barriers facing adult learners and act as mentors and role models.

The courses we offer can be found in our calendar, in our newsletters or on facebook.