
We believe at The Broughton Trust it is important not just to keep your data safe and secure but also let you know how we handle your personal information. If you are unhappy with this or have any queries just let us know.

We promise To always hold your information securely not to share your personal details without your permission (unless we legally have to do so)

To only get in touch in the ways you wish, and we will make sure everything we send to you is relevant to our work, services and ways that you can support our work.

We will only analyse your data to produce statistical reports (that don’t identify you personally).

These reports help us to improve our services and enable us to continue to receive funding.

To make sure you’re in control of your own information and at any time you can ask us what information we hold, make sure it’s accurate and amend your preferences regarding how we use it.

contact us for a copy/ further information (ku.gro.tsurtnothguorbehtobfsctd-7ac178@eciffo or call 0161 831 9807)

Similarly, if you have a query or want to change how we get in touch with you then please contact ( or call 0161 831 9807)